Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Day Eight: Where Do the Children Play or, Have I Lost My Mind Yet?
This is the face I would live in a cave for the rest of my life to protect. This was taken a tick over seven years ago, and a lot has happened in her eight years now on this planet, some of it really heavy shit for a little girl to handle. None of it as mind-boggling as what she now has stored in her memory. I'll get to the other one once his baby face pics show up, but for now can anyone tell me they can look at the face of their child and tell them you would not give every drop of your blood for them? Okay then.
Here's the thing and doubtless you all have heard by now, Texas' Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, says he would give his life for his grandchildren -- but he's not talking about sheltering them from this disease. He's talking about saving the economic health of the country and using guilt-inducing rhetoric in an attempt to convince people that is the right thing to do.
I think it's safe for me to speak on behalf of my grandchildren, even if they knew the economic impact this is 100% going to have, that they'd rather be dirt-farmers and scrap collectors before they'd want me to die for the economic well-being of the top 1% in this country. Fuck You, Dan Patrick.
I fully intend to stay alive as long as possible even if I'm daft as a lamppost so I can help provide my grandchildren with my love, wisdom as much good health advice as I possibly can and a wealth of useful curse words for all occasions.
Like Creighton Bernette on Treme in his "Fuck you, you fucking fucks" Youtube diatribe, I am so damned mad. Maybe I should livefeed my diatribe too.
Today, Trump said he's ready to open the country up again at then end of his 15 day "flatten the curve" campaign. This flyer, which he waves around periodically, was apparently mailed out to people. A friend of mine actually got a hard copy of this in the mail today.
Oh lordy I just realized I got one too.
Does anyone else but me realize that he hasn't implemented any directives whatsoever to help American citizens? It's all been up to the heads of each State. While this cheese-powder popcorn headed motherfucker pontificates on the podium every day, he hasn't done one damned thing for us.
Look to the Governor of your State for guidance, because this foolish crimpletwod has got nothing for us. By the way, Grammarly is quite miffed at me for that new descriptor. I've added it to my personal dictionary.
Let's fill the churches to the rafters this absurd cartoonish heretic said today. The least spiritually inclined leader I have ever seen in my 58 years of life has the gall to suggest the churches should be filled with people for Easter. Phew, at least he didn't suggest mosques and synagogues!
Uh-oh, here comes a Godwin's Law intrusion: what's he gonna do, have them pumped full with the virus? He sure as fuck hasn't done anything else.
Tally of Virus Wins today in the U.S: 52,934 infected, 721 dead. Today a young child died of it in L.A. County. Medical staff are cutting out protective robes out of garbage bags and using their masks until they're covered with hazmat.
Oh, by the way, my doppelganger-friend and her husband in St Louis probably have the virus, and so most likely does another one in Michigan, which I mentioned yesterday. Can't say more, since it's their business, but they seem to be on upswing, and I'm sorry and this is close to me now, and if I lose anyone it's gonna be such a shittier world. Goddamn it.
Suck my balls, Frump you mangoheaded goon. Credit to Eric Arnold for def: contraction for Fucking Trump)
Casa de Eva is in a dark funk today (obviously). It's dark and cloudy again, it's rained almost sideways for about ten minutes earlier. Good, I didn't feel like watering my garden anyway, I am far too busy doing other things. Whut?
The city of Berkeley is doing something hella funny. This guy was walking down the street with a very large generator that was hella loud, and he hella stopped in front of my house and I went out and asked him in all the wonderment of Alice in Wonderland to the White Rabbit, "what in the world are you doing, sir?"
"I'm with the City", he said, "We are shaving the trip hazards on the sidewalk" Serious as a heart attack. He said shaving, not sanding.
"Ah", I said, "well that is... I don't... okay, well you carry on then, sir," as he pushed his generator cart and big orange industrial broom down the street.
Now just imagine me here like Granny Clampett when I say that I've lived here my entire durned life and never, ever have I ever seen the City shave the sidewalk. I'll be dipped in shit, as my old friend Ranetta used to say.
Did I mention this guy was awfully darned cute and really young and walking around lek dis wuz normal in da normul daze. I think I've lost my mind already, and we're not two weeks into this stay at home thing.
I'm back to my Nana-would-be-so-proud-of-me right now. I'm still hoarding my eggs for the greater good of oven-baked deliciousness. Breakfast is toast, jam, cream cheese what the heck else there is to put on it. Cheese toast is my favorite thing maybe in the world, so that's a go-to. I hoard cheese, too, so I have a veritable le grotte de fromage to choose from, no joke.
I poached some chicken breasts I got from Hellofresh yesterday. I hate chicken breast, which to me is just dried up flavorless meh. But I poached it with some soy sauce, ginger, garlic, chili paste and added a boullion cube. The point of this was not really to impart flavor to the chicken, which is hopeless, but rather to suck out any bit of flavor might be in it, which then infuses the broth and thus you have... soup.
Half the cardboard flavored meat went into a slaw of desperate to be used cabbage and carrots, some limp green onions, and the unmushy part of a red pepper. The ginger sesame dressing made me forget about the chicken. 'Twas tasty.
The other half will be shredded out of recognition and put back into the soup along with the rest of the cabbage for dinner tonight.
Why do I go into this detail which probably has you squirming like you have to pee your pants? It's because my Nana, whose teeth fell out due to starvation during the depression and who wouldn't have thrown a rotten apple away without investigating it for potential use somewhere... would weep with pride for my thrift.
I still cannot clean a window with vinegar water and a chamois cloth. I just cannot do it, sorry Nana, Windex is a thing and it works really well.
We need to lock down the country. For the sake of our children, for ourselves, for those we don't know, and for those we do.
Let the mangotwat go to the church with the rest of his cult-followers, I don't give a fuck, but lock the rest of us down to save us from ourselves.
A little levity: My grandkid's mom made them do a 45 minute long CrossFit WOD yesterday and sent me a video. They looked miserable and I laughed (bad Nana). One has to think outside the box these days.
Excuse me, the sun just decided to come out and I think I'm melting. Time to close the curtains and get back to being a hermit.
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